It's always lovely to have friends to meet you on your return, if only from a trip out on the bay. These fellows had a lot more than a "howdy doody" on their minds, they were waiting in keen anticipation of a feed, but unfortunately there was nothing on the menu. Another beautiful day on the bay, we even heard part if the race called over the the p.a. system on a large grey boat.
If you couldn't be at the track on Melbourne Cup Day, the next best thing, maybe the best thing was to be out on beautiful Moreton Bay, getting back to nature, trudging through the Mangroves at low tide, feet covered in mud and getting away from it all, well that is how we spent Cup Day. We didn't catch any fish, but who cares, the day was beautiful, and the company was too bad either. You can see more of my images at
There is a great new gourmet food venue which you should check out. It's called Purely Passion 8 and owned by Michael and Beck. Situated right in the heart of Manly Harbour Village Shopping Centre it offers those sweet and cheeky delights we all love to eat. While you're there check out the decor and you'll find three of my images on display and for sale. These ones were taken at a small boutique winery in the Hunter Valley in New South Wales. Please drop me a comment, I'd love to hear from you. You can also visit my web site at
When you go along to cooking classes at H4Hospitality in Wynnum, you don't have to worry about cooking on a stove like this one thank heavens. This old stove lived it's life in the home of a very hard working family and I'm sure has cooked many a scrumptious meal. I'm happy to have my 'stove' on display and for sale at H4Hospitality but I can assure you their cooking facilities are clean fresh and modern, check them out at You can see more of my images by visiting Please leave a comment when you have a moment.
'Archie, are you sure it's o.k. to be lying on the mistresses white quilt cover like this '? 'Oh, I don't know Cubbie, I'm just so comfortable, you just give a yapp if you hear her coming and we can both scramble off the bed and go for our lives. Even if she does catch us up here she's such a softy she never goes crook, I've got her 'round my little paw I recon. Woops ! she's got that wreched camera out again, Oh no, she's caught us 'Red Pawed', I'll bet we end up on the blessed thing she calls her Blog, for all the world to see, I don't know Cubbie, there's just no privacy any more'. You can see more of my pics by visiting
With Summer almost here, it's time to take a closer look at all the wonderful and healthy vegies in your fruit and veg store, just waiting for you. Have you tried Three Peas in a Pod, the fantastic fruit and vegie emporium on Wondall Road, Manly West. They have a wonderful range of the freshest fruit and vegies, there's heaps of herbs as well as lots of other yummy things. Their staff are so helpful too, a great place to get the greens.
Does this image make you feel like making yourself a cup of steaming hot coffee, adding lashings of cream and maybe sugar, then indulging a little more with some lovely dark chocolate? Yes !..... Good.. that's just what I wanted you to say, I want you to look at my images and take on the feeling I'm hoping to convey. You can see more of my images by visiting my web site it's and do leave a comment.
Well it was just so tempting, we, (that's Cubbie and me, Archie), both knew the mistress had this wonderful bag of teddies in the cupboard. She's always been most carefull to make sure we're outside so we wouldn't get into mischief, anyway we've had a couple of rainy days and dogs never forget where fun stuff is, especially if it's something they shouldn't get into. So we were caught big time, we ruined two teddies, and the mistress was not impressed. Now we've been banished from the house, we've had to put jumpers on, and really behave ourselves. No digging, no barking, and certainly no chewing or mutilating of teddies. You can see more of the mistresses pictures by visiting
Archie and Cubbie have become the very best of pals, they play together, eat together, and sleep together, they are both such a delight to be around. If only we humans could enjoy each others company as much, life would be so much simpler.
The Annual Kingfisher Art Show, at Victoria Point seems to have been a great success again this year. There were 176 artists exhibiting 708 items, all of which were for sale. I exhibited 3 images on canvas, and you can see more of my work by visiting my web site it's and do leave a comment, I'd love to hear from you.
A visit to the Gallery of Modern Art in South Bank, Brisbane to see the Ron Mueck exhibition was fantastic. The exhibition is running till August 1, so grab a train, get off at South Brisbane and hot foot it to the gallery. Whilst you're there take a look at the Hat Exhibition, that's fantastic too.
I may have been pretty slack with updating my blog, but I have been busy. Getting out in the garden to have something lovely to show in Spring has been on the agenda, also a quick trip to Sydney, pretty cold and breezy I must say, why wouldn't you live in Queensland.
How do you like me in this little striped number,? quiet inexpensive, (not like the one below). Well, the nights are becoming a little cooler and we Foxies don't have much hair on our little bodies, so something to keep out the cold is a real bonus for us. I'm a little shy when it comes to modelling though.
Well, hello, it's me Cubbie, I'm really just a normal little puppy, but put me into an outfit like this and I immediately become a Fashion Icon. How good do I look ? The mistress has me all decked out in leather and fur, I look so cool, an outfit like this deserves a night out on the town or something like that, I simply must do a bit of showing off. This is three new outfits this week, is there no stopping them, throwing money around as if there's no tomorrow - I love it.
Today Brendon Watson, owner and trusty tour guide from Brisbane Bay Tours, (contact him on 31343260), invited several, volunteers from the Wynnum Manly Tourist and Visitors Information Centre, for a wonderful morning on the Bay. "Where would you like to go"? was the question. We all agreed it was the perfect day to visit St. Helena Island. So after safety instructions from our Skipper we were on our way. The skies were bright and clear, the water calm and inviting, all the conditions just perfect for our adventure back into history. We had a smooth and comfortable trip taking only about 10 to 15 minutes.
St. Helena was a quarantine station, and prisoners made the journey across the waters of beautiful Moreton Bay by whaleboat. When they arrived they were put to work clearing the scrub on the island and quarrying stone for use in the building of accommodation for the new quarantine station. This all happened during the mid 1860's. When completed St Helena housed some of the countries worst criminals, murderers, and crimes of violence such as manslaughter, shooting and stabbings, rapists, and men convicted of assault. The prisoners were severely punished by being lashed and confined to dreaded dark underground cells, they were also gagged. It is no wonder St. Helena had such a fearful reputation, being referred to as the "Hell hole of the Pacific" and "Queensland's Inferno". Here on the left we see more of the quarantine station ruins and on the right a view back to the modern bustling city of Brisbane, capital of Queensland. You can see more of my images by visiting and if you would like to leave a comment or become a follower I would love to hear from you.
This is all that remains of the Butcher shop and the Bakery on St Helena Island. In the distance the Manly Boat Marina can been seen also the Lota and Wynnum areas. You can see more of my images by visiting and if you have a moment do leave a comment.
Here is what remains of one of the ovens used as part of the bakery on St Helena Island. The door is open and one could be excused for imagining the aroma of hot freshly baked bread, just taken from the oven and ready to eat.
More of the remaining buildings and high enclosure. In 1799 Matthew Flinders described the island as one of the "Green Isles" however it wasn't named St. Helena untill 1826.
Thanks Brendon from Brisbane Bay Tours, for a wonderful morning on beautiful St. Helena Island, in Moreton Bay, from us all at the Wynnum Manly Tourist and Visitors Information Center.
Here are a few visual memories of my recent visit to New Zealand. This of course is the "Silver Fern', emblem of New Zealand. It's to be seen everywhere, growing along the edges of the road, clinging to the side of the mountains amongst pine trees and nestled along the border of bush tracks leading to scenes of beauty and wonder.
The Silver Fern is lush and green on it's delicate upper surface, but it's not till you look at the under side that it reveals it's 'silver' lining.
This lovely fresh creek is on the north island. It's quiet and peaceful and one could sit here with a good book and spend time just soaking up everything you can see and hear. The pace is slow, and life is pretty enjoyable.
I visited the reconstructed workings of the Gum Diggers on the west coast of the North Island. The site of the original diggings has been developed to show visitors how the workers lived and worked under rather difficult circumstances. It was cold, cramped and very uncomfortable, but their reward of the beautiful Kauri Gum or Amber as we call it, was well worth it. The Kauri Museum, a must visit when in N.Z. has the most amazing display of Kauri Gum, do visit when you next visit The Land of the Long White Cloud.
I just love taking pics of old things and this old boat was just sitting on the side of the road waiting for me to drag out the camera. So here she is in all her glory, I wonder how long she has been waiting for me, some time I suspect. New Zealand has a rather slower pace of life I feel, so maybe the boat owner will get around to restoring her to her former glory one day.
I walked around the beautiful Blue Lake, a distance or around 5 - 6 kms through tall trees, tree ferns and lovely lush green undergrowth, past small 'beaches' seeing the odd boat on the water. There are pine trees everywhere as timber and tourism are New Zealand's main industries. I have captured lots of lovely images of this beautiful country and you can see more of them very soon by visiting
Catch one of Stradbroke Ferries big blue and white ferries and excape to Straddie. The trip will take around 35 - 40 minutes, and you'll have a fantastic time exploring one of the historic islands of Morton Bay. I went along with a party of other volunteers from the Wynnum Manly Tourist and Visitors Information Centre. Our day, a 'Famil', was spent visiting various places of accommodation, and areas of scenic beauty. It was time well spent and thank you to everyone who made our day so special. There are a few more 'Snapshots of Straddie' below, and you can see more of my images by visiting Do leave a comment here I'd love to hear from you.
There is nothing I can say that will do this beach justice. This is Frenchman's Beach, on North Stradbroke Island. It's totally unspoilt with fresh clear rolling surf, just as nature intended. Catch the ferry, take your car and explore this lovely island with all it's history.
Here is part of the rugged coast line of Straddie, the water is so blue and clear it's amazing. We saw dolphins surfing, probably ten or so of them, it just takes your breath away. Visit North Stradbroke Island and be amazed.
Leaving Straddie after a lovely day seeing the sights and meeting the locals. If you haven't visited Stradbroke Island in amazing Morton Bay, then do so it's beautiful. You can see more of my pics by visiting my web site, it's and if you feel like leaving a comment here, I'd love to hear from you.
Hey. . . It's me again, Cubbie, I told you they wouldn't be able to resist posting my pic up here again. . . . .and I was right. I may be little, but I do know what these humans are like, in a word . . . they're sloppy. I've just done a few laps of the garden, also in the garden too I might add, I've trodden in fresh poo and I smell pretty bad, but they still pick me up and cuddle me and say what a little darling I am. Have they no sense of smell at all? I know the human nose is not a keen as, say, my nose for instance, but they must have something seriously wrong to not notice the dreadful stench, or else they just adore me, maybe that's it, I'm lovely.
Hello I'm Cubbie, and I'm the new kid on the block. I was greeted with a rather mixed reception I have to say, it's varied from curiosity, with lots of who ha and sniffing, to licking and lots of love being shown, it's very confusing. I'm only 13 weeks old and pretty small. They say I'm a cross between a Mini Foxy and a Jackie, so it's no wonder that I'm so lovely. I'm sure to be up here again very soon, so watch out for me.
Hi there, it's me Eddie, I've had a fantastic day today. Our family has just purchased one of those things they call a "Tinny". It floats on the water, roars very loudly and goes very fast, especially when the mistress says, "give it a bit of stick darl" I thought you only got the stick when you dug up the Spanish Walking Irises, or carried your dinner inside to eat on Nana's carpet, but I was wrong. Anyway because it was Valentines Day we took the tinny out for a run up Tingalpa Creek, slowing down and showing consideration for others when necessary naturally. Nana's knuckles were very white, she was hanging on very tightly I noticed. We didn't do any fishing, maybe next time. What a great day.
The humans took the three of us lovely little mutts for a boat ride today, I have to say it was pretty exciting skimming across the water in the tinny. What a way to spend Valentines Day. you can see more of the mistresses pics by visiting and do leave a comment here.
The line up of kids to see and be entertained by 'Bumbles the Balloonatic' was amazing, lots of colour and smiles all around on the faces of kids enjoying themselves. Thanks 'Bumbles' for a great smile. Australia Day on the bay this year was fantastic. You can see more of my pics by visiting my web site it's and don't be shy, leave a comment here too.
Can you imagine Australia Day without a Sausage Sizzle somewhere, why it would be like going fishing and catching nothing, something would be seriously missing. But this young couple weren't missing out. I can smell the sausages and onions right now. What a great way to spend such a special day, then home a little later to watch Ricky and the Boys do us proud. You might have guessed I'm a bit of a cricket fan too. Have a Great Australia Day, and stand by our flag, just the way it is. You just can't improve on something so perfect can you. You can see more of my images by visiting and don't be shy about leaving a comment, I'd be over the moon, fair dinkum I would.
G'day all,
it doesn't matter how hot it is, if you're proud enough to drape our beautiful Australian flag around your shoulders when its 36 degrees, I say good on you mate. There's always a breeze off the bay and plenty of h2o to cool you down. In the park on the Esplanade at Manly, great celebrations were to be had on Australia Day morning. There was a free sausage sizzle and pancakes to be had, thanks to the hard work of the services clubs and their members. Greetings of "Happy Australia Day"! were flying through the air thicker than a swarm of starving locusts, and of course there was "That Flag", a loved and cherished part of our very being. Don't ever let me hear talk about changing our flag, it's simply blasphemy to even think of it. You can see more of my images by visiting my web site it's and if you'd like to leave a comment right here right now, I'd be as happy as a pig in mud.
Well we've had such hot weather lately that a decision was made to give me a good clipping. Now they're calling me Freckles. It felt a little strange at first, but I soon got used to it. It's me, Archie, yes I know you can't see my face, I do look 'different' and just check out what she's done to my tail, it looks like an artists paint brush ! However, because I look so handsome, the mistress thought it was time to give me a dancing lesson, I was so tired and full of Christmas food I just couldn't raise my sorry rear end from the kitchen floor. Have a Happy New Year everyone from me, 'Archie'. You can see more of the mistresses images by visiting I know she'd love you to take a look.
Well I just can't believe, Christmas and New Year have come and gone again. This festive season was much quieter in our home. Gifts were opened on Christmas Eve again this year, accompanied by Egg Nog. Who said "You have to be sitting around a log fire with snow on the ground outside to justify enjoying Egg Nog", certainly not me. Christmas Day was delightfully peaceful in the true sense of the word. A relaxing brekky, an afternoon paddle on one of our beautiful local creeks in the kayaks, (Foxies on board too), then home to more relaxation and more Egg Nog, with friends and family visiting from Boxing Day onwards. This arrived with one of our guests, yummy, yummy ! Thanks a million John.