Archie and Cubbie have become the very best of pals, they play together, eat together, and sleep together, they are both such a delight to be around. If only we humans could enjoy each others company as much, life would be so much simpler.
The Annual Kingfisher Art Show, at Victoria Point seems to have been a great success again this year. There were 176 artists exhibiting 708 items, all of which were for sale. I exhibited 3 images on canvas, and you can see more of my work by visiting my web site it's and do leave a comment, I'd love to hear from you.
A visit to the Gallery of Modern Art in South Bank, Brisbane to see the Ron Mueck exhibition was fantastic. The exhibition is running till August 1, so grab a train, get off at South Brisbane and hot foot it to the gallery. Whilst you're there take a look at the Hat Exhibition, that's fantastic too.
I may have been pretty slack with updating my blog, but I have been busy. Getting out in the garden to have something lovely to show in Spring has been on the agenda, also a quick trip to Sydney, pretty cold and breezy I must say, why wouldn't you live in Queensland.