Catch one of Stradbroke Ferries big blue and white ferries and excape to Straddie. The trip will take around 35 - 40 minutes, and you'll have a fantastic time exploring one of the historic islands of Morton Bay. I went along with a party of other volunteers from the Wynnum Manly Tourist and Visitors Information Centre. Our day, a 'Famil', was spent visiting various places of accommodation, and areas of scenic beauty. It was time well spent and thank you to everyone who made our day so special. There are a few more 'Snapshots of Straddie' below, and you can see more of my images by visiting Do leave a comment here I'd love to hear from you.
There is nothing I can say that will do this beach justice. This is Frenchman's Beach, on North Stradbroke Island. It's totally unspoilt with fresh clear rolling surf, just as nature intended. Catch the ferry, take your car and explore this lovely island with all it's history.
Here is part of the rugged coast line of Straddie, the water is so blue and clear it's amazing. We saw dolphins surfing, probably ten or so of them, it just takes your breath away. Visit North Stradbroke Island and be amazed.
Leaving Straddie after a lovely day seeing the sights and meeting the locals. If you haven't visited Stradbroke Island in amazing Morton Bay, then do so it's beautiful. You can see more of my pics by visiting my web site, it's and if you feel like leaving a comment here, I'd love to hear from you.
Hey. . . It's me again, Cubbie, I told you they wouldn't be able to resist posting my pic up here again. . . . .and I was right. I may be little, but I do know what these humans are like, in a word . . . they're sloppy. I've just done a few laps of the garden, also in the garden too I might add, I've trodden in fresh poo and I smell pretty bad, but they still pick me up and cuddle me and say what a little darling I am. Have they no sense of smell at all? I know the human nose is not a keen as, say, my nose for instance, but they must have something seriously wrong to not notice the dreadful stench, or else they just adore me, maybe that's it, I'm lovely.
Hello I'm Cubbie, and I'm the new kid on the block. I was greeted with a rather mixed reception I have to say, it's varied from curiosity, with lots of who ha and sniffing, to licking and lots of love being shown, it's very confusing. I'm only 13 weeks old and pretty small. They say I'm a cross between a Mini Foxy and a Jackie, so it's no wonder that I'm so lovely. I'm sure to be up here again very soon, so watch out for me.